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T3i Focus Issue?


Is there a way to check the focus on a T3i?  I intermittently have photos that even though I focus on the center of the subject, it focuses on the nearest object which is usually off-center?  I have checked the lens and it is on AF.  2017Thanksgiving_0011.JPG resized3.jpg


Thanks for the tip on checking the AF Point on the file.  The red squares are the active points?

AF Point.jpg

Yes, the red square(s) are the active focus point.  


Some focusing and shooting modes may allow for multiple AF points to light up.  You will see a similar display in the viewfinder.  The multiple points display is telling which AF points are capable of locking focuse, but they are NOT telling you which ONE was used to to focus the image when the shutter was activated.  


One, and only one, AF point is used to lock focus.  The camera will typically use the AF point over the closest subject, or object, to the camera.  Take your pick.  Was it the guy on the left or the right?  You cannot reallly tell, but one can make an educated guess.

It is best to take all of the guesswork out of it, and manually configure the camera to always use the center AF point.  Note, that you can only do this in one of the Creative shooting modes: M, Av, Tv, or P.  The Basic shooting modes are “presets” that adjust the focus points, and the focusing and shooting modes

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