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Replacement Focus Screen/prism for EOS Rebel T6/1300D? Has anyone done this successfully?


I have a new condition Canon EOS T6 and specs/shadows suddenly appeared on the upper right corner of the viewfinder.  I followed DP Review blog, Google and Youtube instructions for cleaning and only made it worse. 


It was only after that, that I find the video "DON'T CLEAN YOUR FOCUS SCREEN!". 


I contacted my local camera repair shop and learned that Canon doesn't clean/repair/replace focus screens in the EOS Rebel series. They are considered "fixed"/non-removable.


That said... there are several third parties who sell replacements on eBay and even through the Wallmart online store, as well as a few videos showing how simple they are to replace with just a pair of surgical gloves and some plastic tweezers.  


Has anyone done this successfully? Can you provide info?


Also, has anyone replaced their foam light curtain? 



Give it a go!

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.