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Poor Quality out of Focus on 80D


I'm having a terrible problem with my images looking great in camera until I zoom in. Everything was shot in RAW at ISO 100.


This photo was taken with the autofocus turned on and looking through the viewfinder. Upon first look I just thought I focused in the wrong place. You can see the groomsman on the far left is almost in focus but the one on the right looks awful. Is it my aperture? It was taken at 4.5 with an 18-55mm. Is it my focus point? I'm new to this but I'm pretty sure I didn't focus on that side. I've looked into getting the lens calibrated but all the tests I've done seem to tell me the lens is functioning normally where it's at. 



Kyra-and-Gary-Wedding_66.jpgThis picture was taken a moment later in live view and physically touching where I wanted to focus. It looks better but upon zoom you can see the quality is actually super poor. Is it my settings? The shutter was slow at 1/50 but I feel like that's not awful. I feel like no part of this image is in perfect focus. My lenses were also cleaned beforehand.


Switching to my 50mm made some things better but check out this image at f4.0 and 1/125. The focus for some reason falls on the wedding band and the left side of the groom's ring but not on the orange gem that I had wanted in focus. I could have touched the wrong area but does that explain why the groom's gemstone is blurry and the texture beside it looks fine? Once again, the photo looks perfect on the back of my screen until I zoom in. 




Thank you in advance, I'll take any suggestions! It's so hard to do a wedding where everything is fast paced and you think you have a good image until you zoom in later! 





“ Both my 80D and 5D are set up that way and it makes the process of focusing and then composing two separate events. I use single point focus in the center and then make sure that the bride or if no bride, the most important person in the shot is the center of focus. ”

I use BBF only in a custom shooting mode now. As far as the scenario described above goes, I have changed my strategy to include spot metering. Instead of focus and recompose, it is now meter and recompose.

The camera spot meters with center AF point. But, it can focus with any AF point. I use AI Servo mode, set to use the center as starting point.

I point at the subject to lock metering and to lock AF tracking on the subject. As I recompose the AF points track, keeping the subject in focus. No more moving around AF points.
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