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LCD screen will not display what i'm taking a picture of.




I'm quite new to digital cameras, as I have only used an EOS Canon 60D at College on a few occasions. To practice my photography, I decided to purchase a second hand EOS Canon 350D and for whatever reason, my LCD screen has some faults with it. I was wondering if it was a faulty camera, a setting I had on or the fact that it is a body only camera. So, I'll explain my two faults and let me know what you all think.


Fault 1 is that the LCD screen will not display what I want to take a photograph of, so I have to estimate my aim to get whatever I want in frame, which isn't ideal obviously. 

The other fault, which is also with my LCD screen is that when I select the option to look back at my photos, all I see is a white blank screen. However I did notice, that the shade of white does change slightly for each photo. If that helps identify the problem at all. 



Despite the above, my LCD screen seems to work fine, for instance I can see what my settings are, and pressing the info screen will display what settings are on. But there are problems with taking and reviewing photography.

Any idea on what the issue could be and how to mend it would be great.  

Thanks in advance. 




I am having the same issue with my EOS 50D, help please!