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EOS Rebel XS saying busy and won't take pictures


My camera worked fine the other day.  Now, it won't take pictures at all.  When I go to take a picture, it will act like it is focusing by flashing and such but it will never go through.  It always says busy.  I have tried all modes, and none will work not even without flash. 


I have also taken the battery out, taken the card out and reformatted it, and cleared all camera settings.  Can anyone help?  I have a newborn that I would really like to be able to capture. 🙂


Thank you ahead of time!

156 REPLIES 156


I am having a few issues.


1.  Cameral says, "busy" on Auto Setting and won't take pictures.  Thought maybe it had to do with the lighting?  Works fine on AV Setting.


2.  My images are saving on the camera upside down.  The look correct as soon as I take them, but the save & download upside down.


3.  Can someone tell me in AV mode what setitng I should have for taking pictures of people?  The dial goes from 4 to 22.


Thank you!


Hello Dakdrx30!

Welcome to the Canon Forums and thanks for your post!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what camera you are using. That way, the community will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your product.

Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, our US-based technical support team can assist you by phone or email at  


I am having the same problem...It's a 3 year old camera very gently used. Very disappointing!

I am having the same problem.  I have 2 different lenses and same problem.   I have cleaned the contacts.   I can take a picture if the lens is set to manual focus instead of auto focus.


There is plenty of contrast.    The flash will automatically pop-up.


But no picture is taken.


I have used this camera for several months as I received it as Xmas present last year.  Purchased at Costco.


I had same problem with "sports" setting.


I have a EOS Rebel T6


Thank you.



Make sure you have sufficient light.  The flash popping up by itself suggests that you may be shooting in low light conditions.  Also, make sure that your subject is not within the MFD, minimum focusing distance, of the lens that you're using.  If memory serves, the 18-55mm lens has an MFD of about a foot, and the 76-300mm lens has an MFD of about a yard.

The "Sport" shooting mode setting introduces some unknowns.  Try shooting in the Green [A] mode, or P mode.  Test the camera outdoors in bright sunshine,  Aim at a subject that is about 20-30 feet away, or just over one car length.  If the camera is functioning properly, then it should take a picture.

Back to the flash unit.  The camera can use the flash to provide "focus assist beams" when the you are shooting in low light conditions.  However, this strobing of the flash discharges the flash circuitry.  If the camera senses that the flash is required to take a proper exposure, then it will WAIT for the flash circuit to recharge and flash a "buSY" message, as well as cause a lightning bolt [flash] icon to appear in the viewfinder.


Finally, make sure that you have a well charged battery when you using the flash.  The less charge in your battery, the longer it takes the flash to recharge.  Having a fully charged battery works best.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I’m having canon 5 D mark IV . My camera is showing busy after each capture. So continuous shutter not working


I got a 600D, machine with 18-55mm lens. 

Had the same problem, but like mentioned in the replies, I just removed the lens and reinserted. It works fine now.




Hello Muzahidkazi, 

We're sorry that your camera shows busy after each capture.  You may wish to try a faster speed media card in order to keep up with the writing demands of the camera.  When a less than ideal card is used, the buffer fills and the card is unable to keep up and then it will display the Busy message.   

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 I just bought a t6. and I got a macro adapter yesterday So I have been changing the lense off an on.. Then I had this issue happen. Wear it would'nt Take pics in af. but it would in mf.  this is how i got to this thread. I have noticed most postes that I glanced over had The same isues as me. So I Figured Id post WHAT WORKED FOR ME.

I had it out yesterday. I took a few with the adapter then I showed a friend how the adapter worked. Put it back toghter  and the canera stoped make a long story short  this is what i did.

I put the camera in mf  took a pic  with the macro setting.. then I fliped the dial to potrate. took another pic. Then switched mf to af.. presto  it works. it worked for me. I hope it works for you. ater posting this it did not work again excitment gone.

but i did get it going again. it was the change view finder. (not sure if thats the right name. im kinda a newbee.) were yoou change the view of how you look  threw the eye peice  are the lcd. i still can not take pics looking at the lcd  but i can with the eye peice..



Hey brother. I am also   facing this type of problem in canon sl2. Please tell me did you find the solution
