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EOS 90D Tips for nighttime train photography


Hello again

I'm still working to get some good night shots of trains going over a viaduct at night. 

EOS 90D kit lens 18- 135 and a new Sigma 18 - 35 Art. Trying to work in M and cant get the camera to click - but if I swap to hand held night mode - it clicks away. 

So I transfer the settings from Hand held  to M and it still struggles to open its shutter. Typical setting ISO 128000 f2.8 1/160. Auto focus working like mad.

Whats going on/wrong? Help please  

Ramsden (formerly Twiddler)





Yes, remove the filter.  Use a tripod and Av mode.  Dial in an ISO setting.  Don’t use ISO Auto in Av or Tv modes.  If you want to change the resulting exposure, use exposure compensation.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks for all your feedback guys. You've moved me on a mile with this in and it was so frustrating pressing the shutter button and nothing happens.

I'll post my results in a couple of weeks.



Dial in ISO 100. Use the 2-second shutter delay timer.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

That would be great🙂
I'd never really heard of night train photography before so did a quick search online.Very interesting
