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Canon Rebel T7 Focus Issues


I need help understanding what I’m doing wrong. I can not for the life of me get sharp, crisp photos when I am taking pictures of people. If it’s landscape I can get really nice pictures but with people I can’t seem to get them fully in focus! I have worked my settings on my camera to the point I keep my shutterspeed and Aperture higher and I still can not get the subject fully in focus. I’m thinking it might be my auto focus. I have it on auto servo. I’m not sure if where I move the point of focus is wrong or if the auto focus is just not working. When I take pictures I use the view finder so I can see where my subjects are because using the screen it goes black when you take the picture. But when I do use the view finder holding the button half way doesn’t really seem to be focusing as well as when I have it on the screen. Here is an example of what I mean. If I don’t have a face it is super sharp but the second my subjects turned around they are not sharp and clear. I used a 50mm 




@zakslm wrote:

Here's what I think I learned after I started using BFF and going thorugh a 4 step process:

Using BFF and thereby separating the image acquisition process into 4 steps (from maybe 1.5 to 2.5 steps) slows down my brain and makes me think and make a decision prior to each of those steps.  Taking a shot by composing in the viewfinder and pressing the shutter button (and maybe recomposing before taking the shot) delegates some of the thought process to the camera's "brain" and slowing things down and using my brain (more) occasionally works out better for me.

If you need or want to discuss issues or problems you have with using BBF, then please start a new thread for the discussion.  

Thanks, ahead of time.

"The right mouse button is your friend."