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Canon R5 AEB in conjunction with Interval Timer for Eclipse shooting


I'm prepping for shooting the April eclipse and I want to set my Canon R5  to take a bracketed shot (-3/0/+3) at an interval of maybe 2 minutes for an indefinite number of shots (i.e.- until I manually stop it).

The manual leads me to believe that the two can work in conjunction and it does but not how I need it.  I need a bracketed 3 shot series EVERY 2 minutes.  What I'm getting is 3 bracketed shots- but each exposure taken at 2 minutes apart.  

The manual seems to indicate that if I'm in either fast continuous or slow continuous shutter mode (which I've tried), I will get the 3 bracketed shots taken immediately...which happens but only when I am NOT in the interval mode.

I'm trying to avoid having to push a remote release every two minutes for a few hours...but I also need to bracket.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.





Enable HDR mode, not AEB.  

Set the number of shots in your Interval Timer to “00”.

Use High Speed Drive mode.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Doing it with AEB might work if you enable the Shutter Delay Timer.  Test it, and see.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Thanks for the reply but HDR won't work for this application.  When shooting in HDR mode the only two output options are an: automatically merged JPEG or a merged JPEG with the three individual shots captured but still only in JPEG- even if you are shooting RAW- which you really need to be for eclipse photography.


Again thanks.  I'm not sure what you mean by "Shutter Delay Timer".  If you mean the Self Timer than no- this doesn't work either.  It takes you out of High Continuous or Low Continuous and just takes a single image at the prescribed interval in the interval shooting menu.

Waddizzle- the AEB/interval does seem to be working with the self timer.  Not sure what changed.  If I get any more insight, I'll post.  Thanks again.

@JimCarm wrote:


Thanks for the reply but HDR won't work for this application.  When shooting in HDR mode the only two output options are an: automatically merged JPEG or a merged JPEG with the three individual shots captured but still only in JPEG- even if you are shooting RAW- which you really need to be for eclipse photography.

Are you sure about that?  You can shoot RAW in HDR mode.  You should also be able to tell it to save the original captures, instead of discarding them.

The JPG it creates is pretty much irrelevant.  It should automatically capture (3) bracketed exposures and save them as RAW files.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hello Waddizzle, I just posted this queestion

Hope you will be able to help me with it. Thanks.
