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Canon R. Image Stabilization

Rising Star

This woud apply to the RP as well. Why does the IS continue to operate after releasing the shutter? According to the lens manuals I have read it is supossed to shut off after 2 seconds.


A few tests with my RF lens. Afer taking a picture the IS continues to run. Even if I press image review or a menu button it conitunes to run. The only time it shuts off is when it times out due the Auto Off setting or I shut the camera off. ECO mode does not even shut it down. The IS is very quiet on my RF24-105 so I used machanics Stethoscope. It even continues to run if I shut the switch off on the lens itself. The image is shaky so it does not stabilizie but the motor continues to run. That is how mode 3 on the lenses (that have them) work but I doubt this what is going on here.


I thought since the R is basically a Live View camera. I never used LV so I tried my 7D2 and my 100-400 II. It shut off after 2 seconds.                                        


The odd thing is when I put my 100-400 II with the basic adapter on the R some behaviours were different. Pressing the image review or a menu button did shut the IS off. So did turning the lens IS swicth off.


I'm on several forums and there are a lot of complaints of battery and IS assembly wear. Is Canon looking into this or is there a reason why the IS continues to run?                                      


Yes all my tests are showed that. Dsiplay off plays a role as well. The Auto off timer does not kick in until the display off cylces out. Any action that gets close to the viewfinder sesnor (imimics eye at viewfinder) will reactivate. So even at minumin Auto Off and Dislpay off settings the IS will run for 45 seconds after taking a shot unles the viewfinder sensor reactivates it.         


I and others are wondering why Canon did this. Even if you shut the IS switch off on an R lens you can still hear something running even though it is not stabilizing. I find it odd as Canon still provides warnings about IS and bettery usage. Some EF lenses have fairly noisy IS units. Of course the tech is older but the EF manuals say the IS operates for 2 seconds after taking your finger off the shuttter button and the IS shuts off. Canon does sell adapters to use them. On most forums there is high percentage of people who are not too happy with it.       

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