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Canon EOS 6D Member Reviews


Good morning all,


I wanted to start a thread for member reviews of the new Canon EOS 6D, as they begin to come to market.  I'm not sure if I've made the first shipment from my local retailer, so in the meantime I would like to see what posters think about their 6D.  Pros, cons and candid reviews vs. other Canon products are appreciated!




  There is a excellent review here is you have not seen it:


"Made to focus in very low light condition: EV-3 is the strongest low light AF performance of any Canon AF system at Canon EOS 6D review time. EV-3 is the equivalent of moonlight. 
I can focus the 6D's center point on a subject with reasonable contrast down until autoexposure gives me a setting of 160 at 10 seconds and f/2.8 (really dark) with the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L II USM Lens mounted (note that the 6D's metering range spec is listed at EV 1-20). The Canon EOS 1D X's center point could not focus on the same subject with the same lens mounted. Note that the 6D focuses very slowly under these dismal lighting conditions - but locking slowly is far better than failing to lock.

I finally decided to buy the 6D to replace my 5DII and I am glad I did. But I have to begin with that somebody paid SFr. 1400 for my good old 5DII and I had to add SFr. 550 only to get a 6D, otherwise I would not have bought the 6D. This aside I can confirm that IQ is better from the 6D than from the 5DII, not much but remarkable since I don't have to apply my standard corrections anymore: The RAW-pics are cleaner and sharper out of camera than before. ISO performance is also better, but not relevant in my case. But my main reason for the 6D is size, weight, easier handling and most importantly the silent mode. I am a still photographer and therefore AF is not so important, although I also did sports and flying birds with my 5DII even with manual focus lenses. Nevertheless the surprisingly good center AF is a real advantage in low light, eg. in near darkness I press the AF-selection button to find the center AF, then manual focus my MF-Lens and get a focus confirmation where I barely can  see whether I am in focus. This is a real step up. I switched off GPS and WiFi and the battery seems to last forever. And not to forget, the 6D is rugged, I do not have the impression of a second rate camera in hands. So finally for still fotographers the 6D surely is a good, conservative upgrade compared to the 5DII. Sportsshooters and videographers might have different findings.


Hello , I have a question for all of you guys 6D owners.

Is there any possibility to use manual focus function while recording movies?

I appreciate it,

Why not? Just use MF mode and rely on your vision for focus. I did not check if there is a continuous  in camera focus confirmation via life view, better not, it would distract from the scene.

I am so interested to find 🙂

I've heard that at least autofocus during movie shots, is not recommended because it may change the exposure and I was wondering if manual focus also can change the exposure. 


I would do videos in M mode only. But as far I know, the 6D is more a still camera. Would it not be better to buy a second hand 5D II for video? 

I am still analyze that.Could you be so kind and tell me the advantages of the 5D Mk2 vs. 6D regarding the video specs ?

Both have the same specification on video side as far as I've read, more than that I think 6D have a better maximum allowed recording time (hope i'm not wrong).

Thank you,



Sorry, I pass on that. I have no idea about video tech specs. My old 5D2 made amazing videos on a 27' screen. But I am not into video to judge the relevant details.. There is said to be some issues with video with the 6D (moire) and comparisons are just about to start on the www. And there is no microphone jack for external sound recordings on the 6D.(?)

6D have a mic jack 3.5mm but doesen't have headphone out .

This issue perhaps will be solved somehow , there are some tips but not confirmed on 6D yet :

