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Cannon T6 takes pictures when flash is up only black pictures when it is down.


I am having trouble figuring out what happended to my T6. It take pcitures when the flash is up, but not when it is down. I think its on the wrong setting, but I am not sure what. Please HELP. 



nvm It does't even display the view on the viewfinder if the flash is not up. It only does if the flash is up. weird.

What mode(s) are you using? Are you in a photo mode or video mode? Live view?

I'm a cinematographer in Chicago using mostly Canon gear. I also founded MKE Production Rental in Milwaukee.

@MaxIsLost12 wrote:

nvm It does't even display the view on the viewfinder if the flash is not up. It only does if the flash is up. weird.

It sounds like you are indoors, and in a fairly dark room.  If the camera is in "ONE SHOT" autofocus mode, then the camera will not take a shot until it can lock focus.  If the camera cannot lock focus due to insufficient light, then it will not take a photo.  The flash provides extra light for focusing, and for taking the photograph.

Go outdoors on a bright sunny day, and try it.  It should work fine.  If you do not have a copy of the detailed instruction manual, then I sugggest that you download a PDF copy from the Canon Service and Support web site.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."