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EF 70-200mm f/2.8 not focusing when I need it to



 I’ve just bought the lens mentioned above. I was able to test it out this weekend on an old rebel t7. I use it solely for sport’s photography and many times, the athletes will not be in focus despite taking up most of the frame. The picture included should have the settings used but incase it doesn’t: ISO 100, 153 mm, 0 ev, f2.8, 1/125 0s. I’m also using continuous shooting and AI servo. 



" I use it solely for sport’s photography and many times, the athletes will not be in focus despite taking up most of the frame."


Here is what you do. Reset the T5. Clear all settings and clear all custom settings. Check your Canon manual if you don't know how to reset it. You can't correct things until we get a basic playing field to use sports talk. Set the Rebel T5 to Av mode and select an aperture that will work with the available light you have at the event, say f4 as an example. The camera will select a the fastest SS it can for proper exposure. Set the ISO to a higher number also considering the available light at the event, say 800 for example. Average WB and set raw file format not jpg never jpg. You will need the d/l the free from Canon photo editor DPP4. Use it to transfer the images to your computer.

Now I prefer One Shot and just the center focus point and I suggest you start with it, not any of the Ai-servo modes.

Your sample looks like you didn't get anything in good focus and that was most likely do to Ai-servo. Remember not all shots are possible. All camera gear has limits to what it can do. And a T5 is going to be more limiting then a new R series model like the R7.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!