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10-18mm on an APS-C


I'm looking at buying a lower power lens for my 7Dmk1. My lowest zoom currently is my 18-55mm kit lens, and even with it , it leaves me wishing I could zoom further back. I've seen a ton on the 10-18mm for sale on the Marketplace, and all will usuly say, hardly used, or like new. Telling me maybe they aren't quite the lens they hoped for. Case in point, I hiked up to an old place I loved to go near Mt. Baker here in Washington, called Nooksack falls. It's a beautiful overlook but the quarters are tight to get a decent pic of the falls without having the safety fence in the frame. Or would a fixed prime lens of lower power, or a decent wide angle? I've got a cheap "accessory" wide angle adaptor that screws on the 18-55mm but being 1.4 it leaves the typical vingette from the extra distance of the adaptor in the frame. So what is everyone using for APS-C cameras, and low power or wide angle that won't break the bank. I would of had a beautiful b**bleep**bof the falls had I been able to get further back of had a wide angle lens. 




I want to strat stepping up as I can afford and replace my "kit" lenses with better glass slowly. I want to get back into the game again. I took some fairly epic shots with my old Film SLR and had decent glass for it. I just got a older Eos Rebel to start that had a mix of lenses then a few years later landed the 7D for a song with only 100 ish shutter count. Then got the 28-135.  Then had a few oddball lenses I've bought didn't  like and sold. But my goal is to get 2 decent lenses a lower power and a decent higher power glass over the next year. So if it's worth stepping up to the 10-22 I'll do that.  Being on disability with an expensive hobby is fun some days. Lol!! 


*Edit I reread everything, looks like the 10-18 is the better choice.. blame pre coffee brain in the AM. 

OK, all the best. Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Ordered a refurbished 10-18mm today. Should have it after Thanksgiving. 
