My printer is set on color printing. want to set for black cartridge so I can print in black.



Hi Goodgary!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what printer you own and operating system you are using. That way, community will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your product.


My printer is a canon PIXMA MG5320


Hello Goodgary.


Please perform the following to set your printer to Grayscale mode to conserve your color ink:


1.  Close all programs that are open.

2.  Click Start and open the Control Panel.

3.  Open Printers or Devices and Printers.

4.  Right-click the MG5320 and choose Preferences or Printing Preferences.

5.  In the Main tab, click the 'Defaults' button at the bottom.

6.  Make sure the Media Type is set to Plain Paper.

7.  Check the box labeled 'Grayscale'.

8.  Click Apply and OK.


As long as plain paper is selected and automatic duplex printing is not performed, all printing will now use the large black ink tank.

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