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MX922 Getting worse about not taking the CD tray in to print.


Over the past year my printer has become more and more cranky about printing CDs. When you set the cd and tray into the printer it normally pushes it out a bit and then pulls it back in and then checks it out, I assume to line it up correctly. The problem occurs after the normal movement out, and then even though the wheels are running the disk tray does not move back into the machine. after a while it errors out and says there is no disk in the tray. When it first starts to spin the wheels to take the disk tray back in, you can give it a gental push and it will usually grab it and finish the job.


Is there something that needs cleaned? Does the tray need to be replaced already? I purchased this online on Dec 9, 2015.

I have printed about 500 disks. As I mentioned before the problem has been occuring, progressively.  It happens about 50% of the time now. I cleaned the tray with isopropal alchohol and it did not help or hinder. The error code that it throws is 1001.




Hi finfin,


With the issue the printer is experiencing, the disc tray may need replacing, or the printer may require servicing.  We ask that you please contact a Canon technical support representative at one of the methods provided here for further assistance. A representative will be happy to assist you free of charge.

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Hi Ramona, why can't you just provide an answer right here so that all others may be enlightened instead of us all clogging the tech support lines? I'm having issue too, i think it might just be a simple cleaning of the bottom of the tray. I've been having the same issues lately, i'm thinking it could be the small metallic reflectors, they could be dirty. Also noticing scuff marks on the bottom, perhaps the drive feeder has dusty rollers and is not getting a good grip with the bottom, but for some reason it still feeds it in, and feeds back out

would also like to add that i have 2 printers of the same, have 2 trays that i'm using on one printer, both can't be bad at the same time as I have not used both equally, it's an internal issue definitely
