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MG6650 not scanning at 1200x2400 dpi


I just bought a Canon Pixma MG6650 which says has 1200 x 2400 dpi.  When I open up the basic scanner controls, the highest dpi I can input is 600 dpi, not any increment higher. I wanted to scan my artwork (pencil drawings, ink illustrations), which have a great amount of detail.

Is there other program I should use to scan at 1200 or 2400 dpi? 

I still have 3 weeks to return it...




Rising Star

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Thank you for your support 😐

However, I come back here because my emails seem to go into a void, as no one is answering from the European Canon support team. 

I just want to know if there is a ScanGear compatible with both my MG6650 and the Mac OS 10.7 Lion, so that I could scan at 1200 or 2400 dpi, as advertised. Is it that hard?

