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MG5420 is making an odd noise


Just recently whenever I go to print there is a loud noise coming from the internal bits of the printer. I looked in both trays, where the ink is inserted and did my best to look around the internal bits, without taking it apart. Any ideas tips or tricks to fix this would be great. This is not causing a problem with printing it's just making a very loud obnoxious noise anytime I try to. 


Thank you for any help or guidance. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi MariLee,


It is recommended that you contact live technical support . There is NO charge for this call. Real time feedback of a live technical support call would be very beneficial in this case.

Please dial 1-866-261-9362, Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET (excluding holidays). A Canon technical support representative will be able to resolve this issue faster.
