I have a canon Mx870 printer and it will only print half the page that I send it and sometimes it wo


I have a canon MX870 printer. I have tryed everything and I can not get it to print the whole page. It leave the last part of each sentence off. I do copy and paste and like to copy music with the lyrics and guitar chord over the word where the change is but when I print it it comes out with the chords to the sentence is at the beginning of the sentence instead of over where the change is. My mate has a printer exactly like it and I have to send him though email so he can print for me and his comes out right. I have tryed deleting everything that has to do with printer and reloading the disc and I think it said the mp driver could not be found but then it said complete. But it is exactly like it was before I uninstalled.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello spitfir11.


The issue may be related to the format of the document.  After you have copied the content and pasted it into Word, you may have to make adjustments to the pasted content before you print.


If this content originated from the web, please check to see if a "Print" option is available inside or around the article or chords.  This should properly format the document for printing.


If the issue still persists, tell us if this occurs when standard text documents are printed from the computer rather than documents that have been copied and pasted from elsewhere.


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