Error code 5100 on my Canon MX870 Printer


Error code 5100 on my Canon MX870 Printer and I can't find or see anything wrong.  What exactly does the 5100 mean?


Can anyone help me solve this problem?



Hi ThePapaDot,


The 5100 error may indicate that an ink tank(s) is not seated properly, paper is jammed or there is an object inside the printer, the printer needs to be reset or the encoder film/strip may need to be cleaned.  To try and resolve the error, please click on each of the links located here and follow the directions provided.


If you still experience difficulty, the printer will require servicing; please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for your servicing options.

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This might be helpful if I could click on the links referred to in the eMail...
