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I have my Canon 2000D (REBEL) connected to my home wifi network. While connected to my home's wifi, I'm able to use the cannon connect app to take pictures remotely with my smartphone.  Issue #1: I want to be able to do this but while i'm at the park...
I have a macbook pro running macOS Catalina 10.15.5 (latest Version)I downloaded the Canon Utility 2 and Utility 3 and the network utilty app. I can't figure out how to connect my macbook wirelessly to the camera so i can import the pictures directly...
Any suggestions for how to import pictures from Canon EOS 2000D to Macbook pro?I have USB-C cable on my Macbook and the standard ports on the camera. What cable do you suggest to import photos directly onto MacBook? I've been using the Canon Camera C...
Thank you in advance for your feedback; When Using my Canon 2000D camera on AF lens and A+ mode, I get "BUSY" in the eye view finder, the camera uses the flash, but doesn't take a picture. This doesn't occur when I use the SF lens mode. I don't know ...
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