MX922 Blurry Text - Black only


I haven done EVERYTHING to fix the blurry text from cleaning, deep cleaning, alignment, even doing this  I feel like I'm about to go crazy.  I don't know how to fix it.  Its only the black.   I've tried changing the ink as well with the same issue.  Anything else?



Hi Ameriguat,


In order to better assist you, allow me to ask a couple questions:


Is text also blurry when you make a photocopy?

What is written on the label of the PGBK cartridge?

Which version of Macintosh or Windows are you using?


I look forward to your reply.

sorry I was out of town so I couldn't check...

yes, it is blurry even with photocopy


Windows 8



My Canon Pixma MG6320 has been doing the same thing for the past 4-5 months, essentially rendering it a giant paperweight. I guess printers only last <2 years nowadays. I have cleaned the encoder strip multiple times and I have cleaned the print cartridge and still nothing. I have also replaced the ink twice and done all the calibrations that are available throught the printer's menu and I still get the same result. 


I am both glad and saddened to see that I am not the only person experiencing these problems. What is the problem, and what is the fix?! This can't be an isolated problem.

So basically getting the same as my pic? It seems like a roller issue....cause some is clear and the rest isn't. I really hope Canon answers soon, because i use it for photos which are amazing and it started a few months ago as well. I have a color laser which I print most things for but copies to transfer to use to comp to print is a pain...and I'd really just it to be fixed

Hi mg6320BLURRY,


When the text and images printing from the printer are blurry, and Canon genuine ink tanks are already being used in the unit, we recommend performing at least one cleaning and two deep cleanings on the unit, performing a print head alignment, and cleaning the encoder film of the printer to try and resolve the issue.  If these recommendations have been performed and the issue has not been remedied, the printer will need to be serviced to determine the source of and resolution to the issue.  We ask that you please call 1-866-261-9362, Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET (excluding holidays) to obtain your servicing options.  There is no charge for this call.

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Yes, I have completed all the cleanings, print head alignments and encoder film cleanings and I am still getting the same blurry text in the black ink. Every other color looks fine and prints as it should. The example Amerigaut gave above is the exact problem I am having. Colors print fine, but when it comes to black ink and text, it is blurry.


Because this is now a discontinued printer selling for around $100 on Amazon (I paid $70 in December 2013), the cost of getting it serviced is not worth it. Bench fees to take a look at the problem will probably range from $50-70 plus whatever parts need to be replaced, effectively rendering all the time and money I've spent on extra ink (official Canon ink running around $60 for a replacement set) and the printer itself a giant waste.


I will never purchase another Canon printer again. When it worked, it worked wonderfully, but as soon as a problem manifisted itself, the only solution given is to throw more money at it. This is a perfect example of planned obsolescence in our modern throwaway culture. What a waste.

After all this time, I hope we all realize this issue is directly the PGBK tank. Now, whether it is, in fact, punishment for using non-Canon tanks or not, while you are shopping for a newer different brand of equipment, simply set the darkest shade of deep blue (as default) that does not access the PGBK tank. I will look just as good for docs and NOT have this problem.
Now, the question is: Has anyone bought a new official CAN0N PGBK tank too see if this does, in fact, solve the problem? Cheers, Vance

Today I've replaced the PGI cartridge (original one from Amazon), but the issue remains.
