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Bought 2 Gateway Netbooks. Photo software won't load. Screen res insufficient to execute. Need Fix.


Just bought 2 Gateway Netbooks for our travel. Canon Software can't be loaded to them. Message is "The screen resolution to execute Digital Camera Solution Disk is not sufficient".


I have sent Canon photos from another computer via email and the Gateways opened/saved them just fine.


I hope there's a fix for this.


I do on-site job appraisal photos and need to be able to crop and modify them for my reports sent while I'm on the road.


Sure hope I'm not stuck with 2 Gateways.





This is or at least was a known problem when Netbooks first became popular. Many programs need higher resolution to run but there are some that should meet your needs & are free. Faststone Image Viewer & Picasa both should work. Do a quick search for either & download & test. 


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

These are both good tips................thank you.


However, getting the pics from the camera to the Gateway is a larger issue.



Looking at netbook alternatives beyond gateway and I need to know the minimum screen resolution size needed in order for the Canon SoomBrowser X to load up and function.




Tom Ryan

If the Netbook has a USB port just use a card reader to transfer them. Picasa can automate that or you can use the copy & paste method which is usually quicker. I've used Picasa on a Netbook for several years both for displaying to view, minor editing & uploading to my on line albums when on vacation.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

I'm not sure about this because it's been a very long time since I've downloaded directly from the camera to a computer but I think Picasa can even do that as a default unless your camera is a really new model & they haven't added RAW support for it yey. It usually takes 2 to 3 months for them to get that done when a new body hits the shelves.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Not my day.................Picasa not ready for W8.

Well then I suggest Faststone. This page says it's Win 8  ready and I know that a lot of photographers on my other forums use it for various reasons & one was Netbooks.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Graci.......then I'm off in a new i reaction!