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R6 Mrk2 RF15-35@15mm f6.3 ISO-100 SS 1/320s
The Alhambra at night R6 Mrk2 RF24-105@56mm f4 ISO-25600 SS 1/30s Handheld
The Alhambra R6 Mrk2 RF24-105@50mm f4 ISO-25600 SS 1/40s Handheld Picture was taken from El Mirador de San Nicolas, Granada, Spain, golden hour.  
The Alhambra R6 Mrk2 RF24-105@72mm f4 ISO-1250 SS 1/1250s Handheld
Streets of Albayzin R6 Mrk2 RF15-35@17mm f2.8 ISO-160 SS 1/80s Handheld The Albayzin also known as Albaicin, is a neighborhood centered around a hill on the north side of the Darro River which passes through the city.  The neighborhood is ...
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