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Portrait Photography with Canon 5D


Studio Work Canon 5dStudio Work Canon 5dStudio work Canon 5dStudio work Canon 5dStudio Work Canon 5DStudio Work Canon 5DStudio Work Canon 5DStudio Work Canon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5DCanon 5D



I absolutely love your style! While being unique to you, I am seeing quite a few influences here.

Thank you for taking your time to comment,  CC.  I love Canon Cameras and Lenses. They have made creating photography a joy!  I have many photographers I look up to both past and current.  I am not sure why I have never shared my work here, especially since I am a huge fan of Canon products.  I have quite a large body of work. I went to the San Francisco Art Institute, and I learned film photography with Henry Wessel Jr.




These are intriguing images, and remind me in both subject type and technique of what one might have found at the height of the surrealist period in the early part of the last century.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris


Thank you, Tronhard.


What can I say I'm blown away!  The words stunning, glamorous, simply fabulous all come to mind when I viewed your photography exemplary I can't even a compliment you enough!  Keep doing what you're doing because it is really amazing


Really fine work.  I love B&W and aspire to similar work.  🙂

I appreciate your response, and I am humbled, Boomer. It took many years to create these photos. I thought I could make them easily, at first, but that was not true. I had to do a bunch of photo studies with lighting for many years, for I didn't take a light class at college, so i am self taught. Thank you for looking at my work! Unfortunately, I no longer have a studio, so I am back at street photography.

Thank you, Honey.... I use to play chess often with auto machanics, but it has been awhile. I am sure if you put your mind to it, you can do wonderful work- Lots of trial and error...

mechanics... alas.
