mx 922 restart cant wake up


Printer goes to sleep and when I am trying to print the computer cannot find the printer. Printer and computer are connected to router. I have to restart printer?? Ridiculus.



Hi, lkoumis!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer.  That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

Thanks and have a great day!


I am running a win 7 64bit workstation. I don't what other info are relevant to the issue. Downloaded the latest canon software from the website. thanks.

Rising Star

Hi lkoumis,


With some routers, if activity is not detected on a device after a set period of time, the device will be removed from the routing table. When the printer enters standby, it also enables discontinuous reception to save power. This might cause the printer to be disconnected from the router when you attempt to print again.


To disable this feature:

  1. Select Setup on your printer's operation panel
  2. Select Device Settings
  3. Select  LAN Settings
  4. Select Other settings
  5. And then Wireless LAN DRX setting
  6. Set this option to Disabled


If the device is still disconnected after a long period of inactivity, I recommend contacting your router manufacturer for some additional options or settings you can change within the router itself.

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Any other options, MarkII?  Any hint on what router settings could be causing the printer to appear offline and require a reset in order to be found?  Frankly, this printer unavailable issue is making me miss my MX 822.
