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Laptop says printer is offline


I have a Surface Book with Windows 11 trying to print to a Canon MG3620, and I get a notice that the printer is offline, even though I just printed out a document. In the past I would have to do a Restart of my laptop and that would solve the problem, but today I printed one document and then when I went to print another, I got a message that the printer was offline; nothing had changed that I know of in the 60-90 seconds between print jobs. I have had this issue in the past with another Canon printer as well. I am doing this via wifi, but it also happens when I have a direct wired connection to the printer, which makes it even more odd. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software twice in the past, which solves the problem, but only until I log out and log back on to the PC (this happens both on a Surface Book and HP Desktop). Very annoying. 😞



I'm having the same issue but I haven't been able to set up my printer correctly because I keep getting ridiculous errors. One said something about my online connection and now I'm offline but seem to be set up when I never entered my network password anywhere to be set up. Instead of using these useless forums, I think I'll just take this back to the store and get something else. 
