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Cannon MG2522 ethernet connection to windows 10 64bit NO MP DRIVERS


I cannot find a way to get my laptop running windows 10 64 bit to enable the ethernet port to the printer so I can continue the install.

My install attempts tell me that there are no MP drivers.

My install stops near the end telling me that the printer and computer are NOT connected.

The windows network info tells me that the ethernet port is disabled, yet I have no clue how to enable it for the printer.

Not sure if I can find my way back here to this post again.

[Email address removed to ensure privacy.]



I don't understand AT ALL what you are trying to do.

The MG2522 does not have an Ethernet port. It is a USB-only printer.  Are you saying "ethernet port" instead of "USB port?

First thing's first....did you install the drivers BEFORE first connecting computer and printer? If you didn't do that, you have to completely delete the printer drivers & other software, restart the computer, and start from scratch. Do you have the printer installation instructions? The proper procedure is to install printer drivers and etc. BEFORE connecting computer to printer (with USB cable.

Only then can you know if you have a problem or not.
