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short elph battery life


A recently purchased Elph 330 HS can get through about 20 photos, some with flash, followed by single wired upload, before the message "recharge the battery" appears.  LIkely cause:  is this a bad battery,   a camera defect causing rapid drain,  or a user error? My old Coolpix would take many many more on a single charge.



Either a bad battery, bad/incomplete charge, or something faulty in the camera system.  You should get many, many more shots out of a battery.


First I'd try giving it a full charge or two, just to be sure.  I would also try a second battery if I had one.  If you're going to keep the camera I recommend having at least two batteries anyway.  However, if I ruled out user error, and the camera was brand new, I'd probably just swap it out for a new one before spending too much time investigating.



After a few more experiments, my conclusion is the contacts between battery and camera are so weak that the smallest amount of dust/humidity will interrupt the current.  Yesterday I received another "charge the battery" notice and just rubbed the battery contacts with a cloth (with some pressure) to eliminate/defer the issue.

Try some Deoxit 5, its safe on plastics and rubber and works really well on corrosion and dirt. I've used it for years on everything electrical.

Also if its a matter of the contacts themselves try using something to rebend them gently...I have picks, like dental picks to do such things. But other things can be used or improvised.
