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SX280 HS Camera Battery Drain Issue


I purchased a Canon SX280HS camera and chose Canon as my previous experiences of Canon had been excellent.  I liked the new camera and the quality of the photos.  However, I expereinced the battery drain issues as noted in this forum.  Sometimes you could take just  5 or 6 photos before the battery would shut down and at other times more but never very many.  Sometimes it would work to take the battery out and put it back in.  At other tmes, just leaving it for a while might work.  I took the camera back to the camera shop and it was sent to Canon for repair.  On its return the camera shop called me to say it was fixed and that the battery terminals had been cleaned.  As this is a new camera and in view of similar problems described on this site, I indicated that would not fix the problem and could they please test it out before I came to collect it.  It turned out that Canon had updated the software but when it was  tested as I requested by the camera shop, they replicated the problems I had described.  They are giving me a full refund of the cost of the camera.  I will purchase a new one but i tunfortunately won't be a Canon.

