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Canon Powershot SX700 won't authenticate and camera keeps giving the message "check settings"


Help PLEASE! I'm pretty computer savy but I can't figure this out. I'm running on a Mac OS version 10.9.2 and I have downloaded all the software from Canon, I'm connected but the camera says check settings when I go to authenticate the camera....I can't upload any pictures to the Canon Image Gateway....I'm really frustrated with this. It shouldn't be this difficult. 



Hi Joan, that is a great camera hang in there there is hope and solutions here!

You have to register your camera first, have you done that already?



So here's what happened....I had everything right; my camera saw my computer and I was registered. It just wouldn't let me authenticate. Canon Support (on the phone) tried everything with me and we couldn't get it hooked up to the online Canon iMage Gateway. Let me say here support was great and I like that but I think that it should be a breeze to connect is with all my Apple Devices. The Canon Tech suggested that I take my camera and computer to a friends house and see if her internet modemn would let me connect....IT DID! Right off the bat. SO NOW I"M HOOKED UP AND AUTHENTICATED! YEA!!! BUT the uploader plugin won't work now and I can't seem to uninstall if you had a "check settings" message- go to a library or neighbor and see if you can connect it through their internet.....good luck. Joanie


Thanks John for your reply. I appreciate it. I was all registered and my camera and computer so "see" each other but apparently my modem wouldn't allow the camera to send info to me....wierd huh? I hooked it up at a freinds house very easily. Thanks for you help! All of us out here need it....

Wonder of it's a Firewall or security setting?



Then that should narrow it down to your modem/router settings. Have you looked at those?
