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ImageCLASS MF654Cdw: can't find my printer when installing driver


I just recently bought this printer and I can't seem to find it when I am setting up the driver for it. I have installed the recommended software and driver for my OS but when I go to Setup Wizard for MF drivers, I can't seem to find my device no matter how much I try. Using USB wires to connect my printer and PC also doesn't work, I have reset my printer multiple times to no avail.

has anyone else with this similar problem found a solution to fix it? 

I would greatly appreciate it.   



Thanks for joining the conversation, anon3!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer (i.e. Windows or macOS, and which version thereof). That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE.

Thanks and have a great day!

I'm having the same problem.  I'm running Windows 10.  The printer is showing two wifi options while my laptop shows only one wifi option.  I have tried connecting the printer to each option, but still there is nothing in my device list.  Any ideas on how to fix this?


Hello Daniela,

Since this is a stale thread, can I ask that you please start a new thread.  This way your issue can be given the visibility it deserves. 

Please include the model of your Canon product and information about your network and hardware.  I understand you're running Windows 10.  I'll explain more about what you're seeing when you have the new topic started.  Thank you in advance.  

Bay Area - CA

~R5 C ( ~RF Trinity, ~RF 100 Macro, ~RF 100~400, ~RF 100~500, +RF 1.4x TC, +Canon Control Ring, BG-R10, 430EX III-RT ~DxO PhotoLab Elite ~DaVinci Resolve ~Windows11 Pro ~ImageClass MF644Cdw/MF656Cdw ~Pixel 8
~CarePaks Are Worth It
