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Thin parallel lines showing up in my scans

Anybody else have this problem - my scans all have very light, very thin parallel lines. They're slightly visible, but if you magnify  the page they're extremely obvious. I'm using an LIDE 110 Thanx in advance for any suggestions

Resolved! Unable to reach printer support

The answer machine does not recognize the phone number in the account so I can not get passed the answer machine.  Any suggestions what to do? 

techcoor by Contributor
  • 9 replies

Change Your Password

Guys, my bad for not pointing this out sooner.  Did any of you post on this thread?  If so, I suggest that you change your passwords imm...

Photo opportunity crowd-source suggestions

This weekend I am going on a whirlwind photo tour of the California Coast.Mainly to get pictures of this: However, I think I will also take in this in Paso Robles:https://www...

Resolved! Megapixel gap running 2 bodies

Hey folks! Of you that are running 2 bodies on a project, are you shooting 2 different megapixel boxes? If so, what are the advantages/pitfalls?  For example, using the higher res exclusively for longer lenses for possible cropping but less MP for sh...

KennyRay by Contributor
  • 22 replies

LiDE 400 --> Scan once, but makes two copies

Greets I'm not entirely new to scanning, but this is driving me crazy. I went through the IJ Scan Utility and saved my settings for scanning photos.  Everything works well enough, but it saves two copies of each photo to the hard drive directory. I'm...

Warped5 by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Upgrade? Downgrade? Help me choose.

I travel for work, and take pictures for fun when I travel. Currently I have two 5d mark IV cameras, and I walk around with a double camera harness. One camera with a 70-200 2.8 Second camera with a 24-70 2.8I usually carry two more lenses, the 85 1....

Tripod Recommendation for Milky Way Photography

I have zero experience with tripods and would appreciate some help.  Wanting to try some sky photography, I will need a tripod.  A couple from Manfrotto, the MT190XPRO3 and the MT190XPRO4 are recommended in an on-line website, along with one of the M...

Be careful buying those memory cards!

Counterfeit memory cards continue to be an issue and a friend recently learned that the hard way.  The card was purchased from a huge online retailer and when put into a Mark II not only did it not work neither did the camera even after the card was ...

wq9nsc by Authority
  • 1 replies

private email

Is anybodies private email not working correctly?  I can not send any private emails.  Moderators? Fix? 

ebiggs1 by Legend
  • 5 replies
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