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R5 and R6 not recognized when tethered to MAC


Hello! I am having a heck of a time trying to tether while shooting at corporate jobs using either my R5 or R6 wth my MAC. I have done all the recommended things including; cable change-out, updating everything. Trying different software including Canon Utility, LR, Smart Shooter (they told me to connect with a USB and not C), and Image capture. I either get a black screen on my Camera screen with a laptop + battery icon and everything gets disabled, OR I get no connection at all--as if my camera wasn't connected. Wifi works but gets easily disconnected so not a solution long term. And sometimes I get it all to work for a few minutes but then I get one of the problems described. What should I do next?



Canon needs to fix this!  I have the exact same issue when trying to use Smart Shooter 5 with the R5.  Smart Shooter 5 is really the only solution out there right now to rename files automatically by barcodes.  We are a high volume photo studio and I need this feature desperately.  I've tried all the solution Tether Tools put forward as far as using a USB 3 connection so that the power charging doesn't automatically start through the USB C connection and interrupt the session but when I use USB 3, Smart Shooter doesn't see the camera at all, neither does the EOS Utility.  This is a life or death issue for me.  We have 3 Canon R5's and I think we're going to have to switch to Sony or Nikon in order to get this working.
