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PIXMA MG3600 Series: Scanner won't scan


I have a Pixma MG3600 series printer - it prints, it copies but it stopped scanning a few days ago; tried reinstalling My Image Garden software - will get to point that is says ready to scan, don't open cover and then nothing - have got a message that seems to say there is another scanner program open but I can't figure that out either. Not aware of any other system updates. Have to go to task manager to close it out. Help



Welcome to the forum!

So that the Community can help you better, let us know which model printer in the PIXMA MG3600 series. Which version of Windows or macOS you are using? How are you connecting? Exact error message? 
Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue. The forum is not intended for immediate support. If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE


Windows 11; usb ports; was working fine and now seems to freeze at: Scanning... Preparing to scan... Do not open the document cover. 

Hi pvzgg7h1,

Please turn your printer off and then turn your computer off.  Please use the "Shut down" option from the Start menu.

Once your computer is off, please turn it back on.

When Windows finishes loading, please turn your PIXMA MG3620 back on.

Please follow these steps:

1.  Click the Windows button at the bottom of your screen.

2.  Click All or All apps.

3.  In the list that appears, click on the Canon Utilities folder.

4.  Click on the IJ Scan Utility and open that application.

5.  Click the Scangear button.

6.  Click the Preview button.

Are you able to scan?

If not, what is the error code that appears at the bottom of the error message?







Did this answer your question? If so, please click the Accept as Solution button below so that others may find the answer as well.

Didn't scan; got box: Scanning... Preparing to scan... Do not open the document cover. then I got box: Error Code 206 The scanner is not available while in use by another application or user Code 5, 206, 8

Replied (see string) but didn't get any follow-up. Thanks
