PIXMA G7020 How to scan directly to a OneDrive folder


I have a G7020 connected to my three computer 2 Mac, 1 Windows via WiFi all 3 are connected to MS OneDrive. Is there a way to scan from the control panel directly to a folder on OneDrive (all the time) without opening the scanner app/utility?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi amcconnell59,

A computer is required, but you can scan using the operation panel of your PIXMA G7020 and scan to a folder on OneDrive.

Before performing this, please click this link and check the items on that page:


When you scan, the scan goes to the computer that you chose and then will be sent to OneDrive.  Please make sure OneDrive is selected in the "Send to a folder" drop down and that its radio button has been selected.

More information regarding this can be viewed here:

(Winodws) https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/ScanUtility/W/G7000%20series/1.1/EN/SU/su-500.html
(macOS) https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/ScanUtilityLite/M/3.2/EN/SUL/sul-500.html

All of the steps are covered here:


If you continue to have difficulties, please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:


Once logged in, click on your PIXMA G7020 and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access support.











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