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MX922 Not Connected to LAN


My MX922  gives error "not connected to LAN".


I have a wired connection from the printer to USB port on the desktop computer.  I have reinstalled the drivers, I have unplugged the power cord & reattached, I have tried different USB ports on the computer. I have ensured everything is plugged in tightly.  


If I go through the printer's own menu to do 'update firmware', I get the 'not connected to LAN' message.

This makes me believe the issue is this connection, not anything with Windows 10, which of course says it can't find the printer. 


I did go back through the printer menu to ensure it's a wired and not wireless connection. i.e. the wifi light is not lit.


It worked last week. but we had some ink problems and I may have done something bad Smiley Sad  while fixing the ink problems (which are fixed.)


Any ideas hive mind?




Some additional information:  There's no router, so I can't connect the printer directly.  The modem has no USB ports, only ethernet.  [The LAN cable is barrel to USB.]

Hi, Bobbi39!

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Thanks and have a great day!


Well, the plot sickens, er, thickens.

I borrowed/bought some cables and adaptors. I connected the printer directly to the modem. Still got the 'not connected to LAN' error when trying to update the firmware.


BUT  the printer then printed 2 test pages that I sent 2 weeks ago!


I then reconnected everything back the way it was -- and it's now working!   I would like to take credit for it, but in reality, I did nothing!


So the problem is mysteriously solved by magic or prayer or the phase of the moon, for all I can figure out.
