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Can't connect iPhone EOS Remote to 6D wireless but can connect iPad to 6D network


I have an iPhone and an iPad. Both are using iOS 6.1.2 (most current version). When I set up a wireless network with the 6D, I am able to connect my iPad to that network and use EOS Remote. But I am unable to connect my iPhone to the 6D's wireless network. It shows up in the iPhone's Wi-Fi list of networks to choose from, but, when I select it, it gives the error message: Unable to join the network "network name". I am not trying to connect them both to the network at the same time. Any ideas as to why this might be happening?  Thanks...


OK. After many hours I figured this Irodalgos post in this forum regarding setting up DIFFERENT networks for each device...I set up one for my iPad4 by adding a new network on my iPad. I watched a YouTube video by Scruffins about how to do this. Then I repeated the steps setting up a different WiFi connection on my iPhone 4S with a different encryption code.
To switch between the devices follow these instructions...
1. Enable WiFi.
2. Go to WiFi functions. There are 2 choices: Exit and Confirm set. CONFIRM is just there so you can double check the settings of the current connection...take a spin through if you like but you can't make changes here. You can just look. if you are happy with that. Great. Select Connect

however If you want to change to another device, highlight EXIT, that's right EXIT. And select it by pushing the SET button.

When it says "Exit wireless LAN function" navigate to OK and push the SET button again.

3. For the next several steps DON'T use the MENU key to select the option. Instead select with the push button labeled SET on the back of the camera.
4. Connect to smartphone screen comes up. Navigate to the middle icon...looks like an iPhone. select with the SET button
5. Use the up down keys to choose that set or to change to another device. Use the up and down keys to go to "Choose Set". Select with the SET button Voila. Choices. Choose the device you want. Push the SET button.
6. Use the up down button and navigate to the Connect box to select. Push the SET button
7. Connect to device. Navigate to Ok. Exit. Now push the MENU button.

Now pick up the iPhone or iPad you selected. Go to SETTINGS. Then go to Wi-fi. Then to Choose a network. Push OTHER. Your new network connection should appear..
Wait for the connection. A check mark appeared on my iPhone showing the device found the cameras WiFi signal.

Now go to EOS remote app. Open. Go to camera connection. Push camera connection. Wait for the two to connect... Select
the home screen and You are good to go. Remote will operate the camera or image viewer will let you see the images that are on the card in your can delete them, rate them from your phone or iPad.

Thank you for this very helpful guide. It worked!

thanks your answer solved my problem.