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What is the idea of the head alignment function when it prints the head alignment sheet on MX395?




What is the idea of the head alignment function on CANON PIXMA MX-395,when it prints the head alignment sheet?

In order to perform the head alignment,the manual says to load a sheet in the front tray and choose the head alignment function.

The mx-395 prints a print head alignment sheet,which i should put in the scanner in order that the mx-395 will scan the patterns from the head alignment sheet and adjust the print head.

But i don't understand the idea:

If the print head is not align and  the adjustment of the print head is relied on scanning  patterns from a print head alignment sheet,which was  printed by the not align print head,
How should the print head alignment sheet supposed to align the print head,if the print head alignment sheet,itself,was printed,from the beginning,by a not align print head?
Thanks in advance.


This head alignment function is very common on canon printers.

There must be an expert in that canon forum who knows how does the mx-395 make the head aligment

and may have the knowledge to answer my question.

ANYONE?Smiley Surprised

Hi Xchcui!

Welcome to The Canon Forums, and thank you for your inquiry!

We appreciate your participation, however we need to let you know that the Canon Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market.

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Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.

Thanks for your reply,Jenine.


OK.The question does not have to be related to MX-395.

It can related to MX392 which sold in the USA.

Besides that,the head alignment function in most of canon ink injected printers(all in one)

 work,more all less,the same.

My question is  a general question that related to a wide range of models,which i believe that a lot of members will benefit

from a professional answer.


Thanks in advance.

Hi jenine.


As i mention before,i didn't ask for any support.

I just would like to know the idea of the head alignment fuction

according to my description that i had included.

I will appreciate any explanation.


Thanks in advance.

Isn't,at least,one good person in that forum,

that will be kind and help here?Man Frustrated
