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Anyone want a MX922 paperweight, spits out nice blank pages.


Attention Moderators:

RESEARCH this issue within your own boards, and online.  Apparently there's a magical "STOP PRINTING ANYTHING" date within this printer.


here's a last ditch effort to see if anyone actually has a solid concrete fix besides what i'm listing here:


Ive done it all.  Support line, nothing worthwhile to report that hasn't been said already in this forum.

Searched Google, tried those fixes.

Searched Youtube, tried those fixes.

have done ALL suggestions save 1.


No I can't print a "nozzle check pattern" it DOESNT PRINT ANYTHING.

NO there is no "error code"

Yes I use Canon inks

Yes all Drivers up to date.

yes powered completely down, removed printhead, replaced printhead powered back up.

yes hard reset everything

yes tried from 5 different computers, PC and MAC to print, all with updated drivers.

YES ink is coming out of the printhead, i can physically see it when i pull it out. (and initially blew threw a few tanks with "deep nozzle" bye bye money.

YES one day it was printing fine, the literal next day it was printing cows in snowstorms.

Its worked for years and suddenly not.


what haven't i done? (which you look online and it does not GUARANTEE it will fix your issue). I have not replaced the printhead.   WHY?  because I can get a more apparently efficient workhorse of a printer from Brother or Epson for the same price as the printhead.


and no i'm not sending it in for maintenance, I mean, unless shipping and maintenance is FREE after the years ive owned it..

 If you check your forum.  You will see at least a few of us who have given up on your product(s).  Including me. 



Read my comments on this thread.  Unfortunately it's been shut down as the REPLY option is no longer available.


Why?  Ask Canon.


There is clearly a design issue with a particular series of Canon Print Heads that are commonly used across a range of printers.






I have figured out what the problem is and it's 100% a fault with the large Black Pigment Ink part of the print head.  It is mechanically different to the other print head jets because it has to deal with the pigment ink.  I have the feeling that it jams up, causing this issue.


I came to this conclusion because I purchased a third MX926 which was used but in excellent condition.  It was printing perfectly for the first six months and then, as I'd guessed, it started to print double.  As it had just begun to do that, I noted that the large black ink cartridge was about 80% depleted, so I immediately removed it and put a new black cartridge in and re-primed the head again using a deep clean.


Surprisingly, the printer started to immediately print normally again.


I now print something with the large black head (pure black bold text) every second day and replace the black cartridge when it gets to about 70% depleted and so far, after another six months, it has continued to work perfectly.


I think I intervened just at the right time and I feel that as the ink thickens, it must somehow jam up the respective ink head jets.  By supplying it with fresh and less viscous ink, it obviously restored operation.  I feel that once the head is blocked, there's no restoring it.  I've tried flushing the faulty heads using every known technique, including disassembly and pressurised cleaning solutions, all to no avail.


It's 100% definitely the black pigment ink jets in the print head that is the issue and I feel that as there is no fix, Canon don't want to acknowledge it. 


Hope that helps.


Thanks for the try, but it wasn't that either.  At this point its just a shiny object taking up room in my home office.  New NON Canon printer coming soon.  
