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PowerShot SX700 HS How to Send Pictures to Canon Image Gateway


This camera is new to me so I am trying to learn all the functions . I can send pictures to my Gateway account via wifi wireless from home but when I'm away it won't work . It must have to be setup to do that  and I don't know how , I contacted Canon Support and they got back to me

with step by step instructions but when I try to follow the steps i'm not getting the same lineup .

procedure . not sure what to do .




Hi Ed when you say Canon got back to you was it an email ? It sounds like they may have sent you a generic set of instructions which will not apply exactly to your camera.

I suggest calling them with your camera and computer ready and have them walk you through it live on the phone, step by step. Setting up remote connections can be tricky. It's easy to get lost in the different terminologies.

Thank you
