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Novice looking for a new camera


Hi.  I am researching ato buy a new camera. I like to take action shots of my dogs. But prefer an automatic .

 I am a novice and own two canons .


Thank YOU



You don't mention what kind of budget you are trying to stay with. Usually, when someone mentions action shots I think DSLR. The focus on the T3i is very quick, and the T3i is a fairly easy camera to use as it has an Auto mode. Though it's not the newest model, it is still readily available for a reasonable price. On the other hand, the PowerShot G16 also has a high burst rate for a compact camera, but the price may actually be higher than the T3i. The S110 is also a nice compact camera, but doesn't have a long zoom range. But the fast lens is really great for fast focusing.


Let us know what kind of budget you're thinking about so that the community can assist you better. And even let us know what camera models you already have to help us know more about what you're used to.


Steve M.



The best approach to action photography requires being able to set the shutter speed to match the style of action trying to be captured. Fast shutter speeds freeze something in motion. People think it's hard to learn how to use things like choosing a shutter speed but in actual fact it's pretty easy now that you get to see the results immediately thanks to the LCD. Next best is a camera with a sports mode but being able to pick the settings you learn work is better.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Hi  My budget is $500.00 I am interetested  in  a Power Shot Camera.

I own a SD900 elf power shot and a S215 power shot.


Thank YOU Very Much!

+1 for the T3i.  I know you're looking at a Powershot, and that G16 might have a high burst rate, but it doesn't re-focus inbetween shots.  For that you need a dSLR.  As mentioned above action = dSLR.


Here's a T3i, refurbished directly from Canon with warranty, for $335:


Unfortunately they didn't have any kits in stock with the 55-250 lens, but you'd have enough cash left over to get one of those as well.  Performance wise it'll knock the socks off any point and shoot.

The Canon PowerShot G16 would be a great choice if you really want to stay with a PowerShot series camera. For the budget you are stating, though, I would think you'd get more satisfaction out of the T3i. The refurbished unit that was mentioned by skirball comes with a one year warranty, so it's like getting a new camera. I have purchased refurbished cameras and had no issues with them.


The best thing to do would be to try them out to see which is more comfortable in your hands and to use. Take a couple of memory cards with you to a camera store and if possible take a few shots and compare them when you can. I think you'll be surprised at the image quality of the T3i compared to the PowerShot cameras. Either way, they are both really decent cameras for the money. The advantage of the G16 is that it is more portable than the T3i, but the T3i is just much faster focusing and more flexible than the G16. There of course are other PowerShot options such as the S120, which is like the G16, but more compact. It's also a little less money too. Take a look at or other photography websites and see what people are saying about the models you are interested in.


Good Luck!

Steve M.



Hi  and Thank YOU!

I bought a Cabon EOS T31. I love it ..

I am a novice and just took 6 pictures. I am trying to figure out how to change a pciture to blak and white.

Thanks Again For your suggestions.




