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G7X Mark ii.. New user

Hi everyone, I have only owned my G7X Mark ii for a few days and I need some help. First, i only use video and it was the reason I purchased this camera. The footage it is producing of myself and family is amazingly good but my problem comes when shooting open vistas like a mountain range. The footage just doesn’t look good, the mountains look like they are shot in 720p or just not crisp like when I shoot things up close. I’m a noob so it could be something I’m doing. I tried auto focus and switch to manual focus thinking that it was a focus issue but that doesn’t seem to help. I tried full auto, different picture profiles and manual settings but it still looks pretty bad. I’m not zoomed in so I know it’s not some digital zoom thing but I shot the same scene with my iPhone 7 (1080) and it looked much better than the canon. Again I assume it’s something I’m doing wrong since the footage close up is so good. Any help would be greatly appreciated