"Noisy" LCD


I have recently bought a used Powershot SX610 HS. I've been experimenting, and it seems a nice little camera with one problem. The image on the LCD has a lot of noise. The effect is like an old type TV with the ariel not fuilly inserted. Many pixels are the wrong colour, although the actual full picture is visible. The photos recorded to SD card seem to be fine, with no noise recorded.


The effect is only slight in HYbrid Auto, worse in creative shot, and a lot worse in Auto. It gets even worse if I turn it to Super Vivid.


Is this normal behaviour for this model? Can this be turned off so that it shows a clear picture.?


And BTW, not that it matters, butwhat is the Super Vivid symbol supposed to be? A puffin?



Are the menus clear looking and easy to read?  If the rear screen were bad, I would expect anything it display to look bad, too.  


Try using the menu selection to reset the camera back to factory defaults.  Try taking photos outdoors on a sunny day.  If the problem still persists, then you may have a bad camera.  It you can exchange it, then exchange it.  But first, try to contact Canon Support on the phone.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Yeah, the messages are all fine. Both  during Func Set, where I select the options, and the white symbols on screen indicating battery charge, flash/ no flash, etc. It's just the picture of the objects in view that are noisy. And only on the LCD, not on the photos.

I recommend that you contact Canon Support on the phone.  They can help you troubleshoot the issue, or advise you on getting an exchange or a warranty repair.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

No warranty. I stated that I bought it used. In  fact I got it from a sale of unclaimed lost property.


Will Canon be likely to help me?  Do you know their contact details for UK?

Canon might help you but if they suggest sending it in for repairs and give you an "estimate" then consider that plus what you paid for it vs the cost of a used, refurbished working model. Repair costs tend to be high with labor and parts.
