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Bug With iX6800 Printer Driver for Linux


i recently bought a Canon iX6820 printer and installed the recommended driver for Ubuntu Linux. That was in Linux Mint 17.3. The printer worked flawlessly.


I upgraded to Linux Mint 18.2 and installed the same driver. There is a print issue in the newer version of Linux. When I print a landscape print job, generated in LibreOffice Writer on legal paper, the text is rotated 90 degrees and prints only the center of the text at the top of the page. If I generate a .pdf of the page, it prints landscape in the center of a portrait page with the whole thing shrunk to fit. Not good unless I read it with a magnifying glass.


I then downloaded an aftermarket printer driver which works fine but it's only a 30-day trial then I have to pay for the driver for 4 computers with a total of 5 installations of Linux on them.


It would appear that the iX6800-series printer driver for Ubuntu Linux needs updating to work on the newer release of LInux MInt 18.2.


How do I report this to Canon?
