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How can I get 5 bracketed exposures with my 5D Mk II?


I have the 5D MkII (would love a MkIII but can't justify the expense just yet).  I do a fair amount of work with HDR post-capture processing with three bracketed exposures 2 stops apart.  I've heard, in the past, of someone setting their camera to get 5 bracketed exposures.  Any guidance/suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

Sailor-retired USN. former 5D Mk II user - recently graduated to the R6

It is possible to DL for 5D classic. I am doing it right now.


Anyway, the answer to the question about 5DII and 5 bracketed exposures is yes, but not with the normal settings.


Use the 5D Classic forum thread instead. Not popular to link to ML, so I don´t do that.

I'll look into Magic Lantern.  I've been shooting since, oh, the early 1970's, so I have a little experience.  Smiley Very Happy

Sailor-retired USN. former 5D Mk II user - recently graduated to the R6