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Started using a new EF lens on my T5 but when I transfer images, my PC doesn't recognize them??


I am using a T5 with EFS lenses and I just purchased a new 85mm 1.8 EF lens.  It takes great photos but when I transfer them to my PC, the PC doenst recognize them and shows them as "grayed-out".  I can view the images on the camera after they are taken but the PC is not recognizing them for some reason.  Any ideas?




Welcome to the Canon Forums and thanks for your post!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what operating system (Windows Vista/7/8 or Mac OS 10.X) you are using.


Windows 7 HP computer.  It has always transferred fine with no issues but once I used the EF lens, it would transfer photos but they cant be viewed on the PC.

You may have set the camera to shoot in RAW. See if you can get the file properties & if they end in CR2 they are the RAW files & you need to install DPP from your CD that came with the camera. 

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


"... I just purchased a new 85mm 1.8 EF lens."


Whatever the problem is, it is not because you used the new lens.  I also doubt it is because you may have switched to RAW.

However, what software are you using to view the photos?  You did install all the Canon provided software, I guess?

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!


The lens is just a lens.. it has nothing to do with how the camera digitally records your images (that's up to the camera).


If you can look through the viewfinder and see through the lens, then you're seeing what the camera would see.  The lens has an auto-focus motor and aperture blades (to control how much light can flow through) but that's it.


But the notion that you *can* view the images on the camera itself indicates that the camera and lens are working fine.  This is likely just an issue with image format.


The camera has the ability to record images as "JPEG" or "RAW".  JPEG is easy and excellent for "final" image format (meaning if you don't need to adjust the images).  But RAW is better if you want to be able to adjust the image.  The camera also has a RAW+JPEG mode (each time you take one shot, two image files get recorded... one RAW and one JPEG).


My guess (as has already been suggested by cicopo) is that the camera is recording in RAW and you aren't using any software that knows how to read the RAW files from your camera.


Whether a RAW file can be viewed on your computer is entirely dependent on *which* photo software you are using.  Canon's own software will, of course, recognize the images.  But other software (Microsoft's software, Adobe software, etc. etc.) would depend on if that particular software has a RAW codec for your camera.  


From Microsoft, I *think* this is the latest download for Windows 7:


However that would only help if the software you are using is Microsoft's software.  Adobe's software is extremely popular and you have to get Adobe's Camera RAW codec's from Adobe.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

The images appear on the Windows 7 PC as JPEG but each one is "grayed out" and the photo is not visible.  The format of the camera was not changed.  Even some of the photos that were on the camera before the 85mm lens are being transferred and appearing "grayed out" and I know these photos were taken with a different lens.


I am starting to think the SD card may be the issue.  

@Edjesl wrote:

The images appear on the Windows 7 PC as JPEG but each one is "grayed out" and the photo is not visible.  The format of the camera was not changed.  Even some of the photos that were on the camera before the 85mm lens are being transferred and appearing "grayed out" and I know these photos were taken with a different lens.


I am starting to think the SD card may be the issue.  

Which software package is showing them as greyed out?  In addition to the previous advice above, I want to point out that that greyed out appearance is consistent with a software package looking for the file in a specific location, but not finding it.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

It appers the SD card has went corrupt.  We bought a new SD card and took some new photos with different lenses and everything transferred perfectly.  Now to figure out if I can somehow save those images that are appearing "grayed out"...

@Edjesl wrote:

It appers the SD card has went corrupt.  We bought a new SD card and took some new photos with different lenses and everything transferred perfectly.  Now to figure out if I can somehow save those images that are appearing "grayed out"...

I fear that the image files that are greyed have been corrupted, and cannot be resolved into an image.

"The right mouse button is your friend."