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Double exposure on a EOS R6 Mark II


Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to create double exposure photos within a Canon M6 mk2 camera? I've been looking at all the settings but can't seem to find one but it feels strange that it wouldn't be included.


Accepted Solutions

Thanks for the above link but it looks like the M6 just doesn’t have that function. 

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What is your setting for the Shooting Mode dial on the top of the camera?  If you are not set to one of the Creative Modes, then the menu system may be restricted.  The Basic Modes don’t allow the full menu system to be displayed. 

You need to set the dial to P, Tv, Av, or M.  Note that this also means the feature will only be available when you are using one of these modes. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hiya, I've tried P, Tv, Av and M and I can't see anything that says 'double exposure' on the menu. I'm not sure if it's hidden somewhere? But it seems weird not to have one.

If you have not already done so, I suggest that you download a copy of the full User Guide.  You can search it for yourself for keywords like “multiple.”   That is what I would have to do to help you.  

You could also search the menu system again.  I don’t own the camera, so that path is not an option for me.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Firstly you have to use one of the creative modes such as P/Tv/Av/M/B/Fv/C1/C2/C3 to be able to see the option in the menu.

Then you can find Multiple exposure setting in the red menu. This is the manual page for more details. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Thanks for the above link but it looks like the M6 just doesn’t have that function. 

psst, M6 Mk II, not R6 Mk II!

He had the wrong camera. In any case it is usually better to do it in post, anyway. Much more control

Sorry I saw the 6 Mk2 bit and ignored the M 🙂 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --