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sigma 150-600 s vs c


Hello guys


I have been watching reviews and reading many reviews perhaps as many as 20 and am trying to decide which one is the best but every review I read or watch contridicts each other so what is the answer.?



I bought the C because I need to be able to use it hand held for several hours per use, IF it can shoot model aircraft in flight accurately. If it can't then I'll be back to relying on the 100-400 ver 1 which I'm keeping anyway. My copy seems sharp but I've barely used it. 

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

check out this video

Sorry but my internet speed is too slow to watch videos & no matter what it's about it wouldn't matter. I made an informed decision based on my own research, using forums I've belonged to long enough to know who to trust when reading their comments & viewing their results. Even then most of that is academic because very few shoot what I do so their comments re AF speed seldom apply to my needs. When you shoot fast moving (& small) targets technique & panning skill outranks lab test results re sharpness. None of the lenses I rely on get good reviews re sharpness but I make them do what I need done. Want proof read the reviews for the 28-300 L IS & the older 35-350 L. I rely heavily on both of those & my results meet my needs, and when you consider the range each covers I'd need a whole truck full of cameras & lenses on hand to cover the same situations. I won't know whether my pick can do the job I bought it for until I have shot several hundred images in all kinds of light but if it can't shoot R/C then I have other less demanding uses for it that still justify what I spent.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."



Seriously man this is your problem!  Smiley Frustrated

"I have been watching reviews and reading many reviews perhaps as many as 20"

Stop with all the reviews.  Most of them are no smarter or experienced in what they are reviewing than you are.  There is a big problem with the web because of the ability to hide one's self.

Somebody buys an expensive camera on Monday, buys PS on Tuesday and by Wednesday they are experts and ready to start writing or videoing a review. It is happening right here on this forum.


As I have told you several times now, I have all three of these super zooms.  I have used all three for a fairly long time now.  There isn't a dimes worth of difference between them IQ wise.  If you want the cheaper, lighter model go want the Tamron.  If you want or need the professional model, you want the Sigma S. That's the deal.

If you prefer the Sigma C, fine.  Buy it.   It just isn't weather sealed and the Tammy is for the same money.


But most important Stop with all the reviews.  They will only confuse you more than you already are.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

AMEN to that. Buying Snap On tools doesn't make you a better mechanic than if you'd bought Stanley's version UNTIL you have the knowledge & skill to get the most out of those tools.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


@paulbrogden10 wrote:

Hello guys


I have been watching reviews and reading many reviews perhaps as many as 20 and am trying to decide which one is the best but every review I read or watch contridicts each other so what is the answer.?

Buy a lens from a reputable source, one which has a good return policy. 

Test the lens,  Return if you do not like it.  Keep it, if you do.  Done and Done.


Seeing how reviews do not convince you of anything, it is obvious that comments and replies to your questions are equaliy unconvincing.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


I purchased the contemporary first. It started a whirring noise when trying to focus and I returned it. About two months later I decided to buy the Sport. 


Until I purchased the dock and fine tuned it I was ready to send it back too, but after spending a good deal of time making adjustments I have found that I love it! 


It is VERY heavy though, so you need to decide if you want to lug it around. I bought a new monopod and I take the lens along any time I'm going to need a long zoom. Very glad I decided to keep it.
