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DPP micro ajustement of +52 ?


Hello .



I will make it short. 

When I look in DPP, the microadjustement announce for one picture is+52 microadjustement !!

What I am really surpised , it is because my camera body (1Dx), allows me to microadjust only between -20 and +20... So How can I have a +52 value ? 


I just try to set-up my camera micro-adjustement correction to -20, 0, and +20. And DDP show me, as espectd, -20, 0 and +20.


The shoot was taken a week ago. In beetwen I have worked on the microdjustement of my camera, so I have changed the setings since.


So , any idea how can I have a +52 microd-adjustement ? 

I have attached a screen-shot, it's in French but the words are almost the same, So I guess I won't be a pb 😛

Capture d’écran 2017-10-13 à 13.35.37.png


Thank you for you answer. 

I undestand what you say. But I guess it's not a mistake of the software. 

(for you information, there is no option to choose between meter or inch/feet)


Indeed , for all other pictures, all micro-adjustement shown with DPP are well betewenn -20 and +20 (as expected).


This issue happenend only for that day, with this lens. 

After that,  I have manage to set-up all settings back to zero and it has obviously solved the problem.

But I try to understant how can this +52 value have been put in my camera body ?  When the camera menue allegedly allows only number between -20 to +20.


