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Canon 9000f Mk2 film scanning help


I like to buy a 2nd hand Canon 9000f Mk2 scanner for scanning in 35mm negatives and slides.

The scanner does not come with the 35mm film and slide holders, you can get each of these from ebay for £14.99 - £20 + postage  and from Ali Express for a similar amount or £29 for 3 (35mm, slides and 120mm film) holders.

They're not made by Canon but made by 3rd parties, Canon made set of 3 cost £38 + postage.

Why are prices of these film holders so expensive ?

Can you get cheaper new ones or 2nd hand ones ?

I have a 20 year old Epson 3170 scanner which has a 35mm film holder and slide holder similar looking to the 9000F's but the design isn't an exact clone of the 9000F's film holders.

Would the Epson's film holders be ok to be use to scan film Canon 9000f Mk2 or would I need to get one made for the 9000F Mk2.

